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Dr. Haya Rubin has devoted her career to improving the quality of health care in the United States. In her research practice, she helps to develop and evaluate ways of measuring, comparing, and improving quality of care. In her clinical practice, she believes in helping you get the best possible care to achieve the kind of health and well-being you desire.

When Haya was pursuing her medical studies, her father became ill and was hospitalized, and did not receive optimal medical care. She experienced what many patients and family members feel when medical and surgical care is fragmented, unaccountable, hurried, and careless. This happens all too often, because our U.S. insurance system does not reimburse doctors and organizations for some of the most important parts of good medicine: the careful listening needed to make the correct diagnosis, the coordination needed to ensure that specialists communicate and don't work at cross-purposes, and the clear, thorough communication we need as patients and family members in order to manage our medical conditions and prevent other diseases.

Many doctors and health plans also underuse important remedies which do not profit providers or manufacturers much, and overuse those that do, because our current system relies so much on manufacturers and large provider organizations to educate doctors about what will help their patients. Dr. Rubin has devoted her practice to coaching her patients in how to get the best medical care, including accurate diagnoses, efficient workups without duplication of testing, medical records accessible to all providers, consideration of all possible safe kinds of treatment, and good preventive care.

In clinical practice, Dr. Rubin works for you, and not for any health care payer, health plan, provider organization, or any drug manufacturer. Her recommendations are designed only to maximize your health and well being, based on the information you have given her about your past health and health care and what you value.

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California Residents over 18 Only.